Medical Tourism in Spain

Spain is a beautiful sunny country known for its exotic beaches, flamenco, and bullfighting. However, in recent years, it has also become a popular destination for medical tourism.

The uniqueness of Spain lies in its low cost of living at a high level, which is reflected in the high quality of medical care at low prices for treatment.

Spain is one of the hubs of medical tourism in Europe. Every year, more than 200 thousand people from England, Germany, the Netherlands, etc., come for treatment and check-ups. Spanish doctors are famous because they not only eliminate visible physical results of the disease but also detect and remove its cause. A comprehensive approach allows for avoiding further malfunctions of the organism. The rehabilitation period in sunny Spain is also more accessible than in other European countries.

Choice of Hospital

Barcelona is the well-known center of modern medicine in Spain. Madrid and Valencia follow it. Prices for most medical services are practically the same as in most European countries (you can buy RESTYLANE or other dermal fillers at the same price), so Europeans go to Barcelona primarily for reputation. For example, there is the world-famous Barraquer Clinic, where the best doctors perform the most significant number of corneal transplants in the world. Or Instituto Marques – the clinic with the best IVF results in Europe.

Some of the best places in the world for treating oncology of all types offer the Teknon Oncology Institute and IMOR center in Barcelona, as well as the IVO Institute in Valencia, which are among the first in the world to implement innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment of oncology.

Also in Barcelona, there is the Catalan Eye Institute, which has earned its fame with its 12 departments dedicated to the most popular and rarest eye diseases.

Due to the neurorehabilitation system and prices, people often choose rehabilitation centers abroad. The Guttman Institute has been in particular demand for patients with spinal cord injuries since 1965, and in that time, it has succeeded in becoming one of the leading centers in its field.


It is possible to come to Spain for treatment on a regular tourist visa. The main thing is not to stay there for a period longer than the one specified in your visa.


It is not necessary to have any special insurance for your trip. But suppose you want to reduce the price of treatment by several times. In that case, you can try to make Spanish insurance: they usually do not do without a residence permit, but if you are willing to open a Spanish bank account, anything is possible.

If you have European insurance will need to clarify whether it works in the Spanish hospital of your choice.

Doctor and Tests

When you make your first appointment, you will usually be sent for tests, regardless of whether they have already been made to you or not. If you have any necessary documents, they will need to be translated into Spanish well in advance. The local doctor will only be able to confirm or make a diagnosis based on the results of his examination.

A Quick Check-up

If you have no intention to treat some severe illness in Spain and want to check your health condition, you can combine a leisure trip with a comprehensive examination by Spanish doctors. Due to the high quality of Spanish medicine and diagnostics, such quick check-ups have become a common practice popular among Europeans.


The price depends on the hospital level and the specialist to whom you would like to be examined.

  • Consultation with a doctor – 100-300 EUR.
  • Quick “check-up” medical examination – 900-1800 EUR.
  • Blood count – from 100 EUR
  • Ultrasound investigation – from 120 EUR
  • To buy RESTYLANE – better check online.

Medical centers in Spain are facilitated with cutting-edge hi-tech equipment attended by qualified medical personnel. Most Spanish clinics have international medical tourism departments offering unique benefits to overseas patients.

Doctors in Spain undergo sophisticated multilevel training to comply with global standards. Medical education and practice here are equivalent to other European countries. Spanish doctors often work in other EU countries and the United States. Many doctors, researchers, and scientists from Spain have become well-known far beyond their borders.

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